3D Graphic Technical Artist

SMPL maya plug-in 설치 본문

3D Graphics & Computer Vision/Maya Script Tutorial

SMPL maya plug-in 설치

er1ca 2019. 8. 6. 17:39

maya 2018 버전, 2019 08 06 기준,


설치 방법은 SMPL plugin 폴더안에있는 installation instrructions.txt 파일에 순서가 자세히 설명 되어있다. 


Installation Steps:
1)  Make sure no other copies of bl_SMPL will load with Maya

2)  Copy this 'bl_SMPL' folder into your Maya Plugins folder. eg:
    windows:     "/Users//Documents/maya/scripts"
    OSX:        "/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya//plugins"

3) Update the location of the SMPL files in line 46: 

>> SMPL_dir = expanduser('~/Documents/maya/plugins/')

4)  Inside Maya, go to Window >> Settings/Preferences >> Plug-in Manager
Locate the bl_SMPL.py script and check 'Loaded'


SMPL link : http://smpl.is.tue.mpg.de/downloads



The SMPL model is available for non-commercial research, education, and artistic purposes only. By downloading the model you agree to the license terms. The model is also available for commercial purposes by contacting (ps-license@tue.mpg.de). If you are u


* 부록 , 마야에 numpy 설치 하기 


다음 링크를 참조해서 설치함. 

ref link: http://discourse.techart.online/t/numpy-1-13-1-scipy-0-19-1-for-maya-2018/9121


Numpy 1.13.1 + Scipy 0.19.1 for Maya 2018

I needed to compile the latest Numpy and Scipy packages for Maya 2018, and decided to make them available to the community. The packages were compiled against Visual Studio 2015 (to match 2018’s mayapy.exe) with Intel’s MKL libraries. I make no claim of ba


wheel 파일 link : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BwsYd1k8t0lEMjBCa2N1Z25KZXc


Maya 2018 - Google 드라이브



Get pip to run on MayaPY: form an elevated command prompt navigate to oyur \bin folder (where mayapy lies) and run : mayapy -m ensurepip

Update pip: mayapy -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools

Install the .whl file:
mayapy -m pip install D:\numpy-1.13.1+mkl-cp27-none-win_amd64.whl


fbx파일을 정상적으로 불러온모습


fbx파일을 정상적으로 불러온 모습