목록3D Graphics & Computer Vision/Maya Script Tutorial (8)
3D Graphic Technical Artist
maya 2018 버전, 2019 08 06 기준, 설치 방법은 SMPL plugin 폴더안에있는 installation instrructions.txt 파일에 순서가 자세히 설명 되어있다. Installation Steps: ------------------ 1) Make sure no other copies of bl_SMPL will load with Maya 2) Copy this 'bl_SMPL' folder into your Maya Plugins folder. eg: windows: "/Users//Documents/maya/scripts" OSX: "/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya//plugins" 3) Update the location of the SMPL..
1. 선택한 오브젝트에 로케이터 그룹 만들기 import maya.cmds as cmds selectionList = cmds.ls(orderedSelection=True, type = 'transform') if len(selectionList) >= 2: targetName = selectionList[0] selectionList.remove(targetName) locatorGroupName = cmds.group(empty=True, name = 'expansion_locator_grp#') for objectname in selectionList: coords = cmds.getAttr('%s.translate' % (objectname))[0] locatorName = cmds.spaceLo..
오브젝트를 선택하고 키를 줄 범위와 Attribute를 선택해서 적용시키는 UI 를 구현함 # keyRotationWithUI.py import maya.cmds as cmds import functools def createUI( pWindowTitle, pApplyCallback ): windowID = "myWindowID" if cmds.window(windowID, exists = True): cmds.deleteUI(windowID) cmds.window(windowID, title=pWindowTitle, sizeable=False, resizeToFitChildren=False) cmds.rowColumnLayout(numberOfColumns = 3, columnWidth = [(1,75..
youtube link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijMyo-6T8Ow&index=3&list=PL-4p6ppgFOkWtUtcp46Z_AufwVP0CougD in/out tangent linear 적용 전 in/out tangent linear 적용 후 >code # keyRotation.py import maya.cmds as cmds def keyFullRotation(pObjectName, pStartTime, pEndTime, pTargetAttribute): cmds.cutKey(pObjectName, time=(pStartTime, pEndTime), attribute='rotateY') cmds.setKeyframe(pObjectName, time=pStar..
youtube link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rG2XrSYbdDo script download : https://perseusrigging.com/free/
youtube link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7FIkbzB_N0&list=PL-4p6ppgFOkWtUtcp46Z_AufwVP0CougD&index=2 > 선택한 오브젝트를 크기 위치, 회전 랜덤으로 생성한것을 다른 오브젝트에 constrain-aim 시킴 constrain-aim ? A선택 - B선택 - constrain Aim 실행 >> B가 A를 따름 1. 따르게할 sphere object를 먼저생성2. 따를 hexagon polygon을 random으로 생성3. outliner에서 sphere object 먼저 선택, random hexagon object1~50개 선택(shift)하고4. 아래 aim script 실행 (youtube tutorial lin..
youtube link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXFGeZZbMzQ&list=PL-4p6ppgFOkWtUtcp46Z_AufwVP0CougD # randomCubes.py import maya.cmds as cmds import random random.seed(1234) ''' cubeList = cmds.ls('myCube*') if len( cubeList ) > 0: cmds.delete(cubeList) ''' result = cmds.polyCube( w=1, h=1, d=1, name='myCube#' ) #print 'result: ' + str(result) transformName = result[0] instanceGroupName = cmds.gr..
- Part 1: Creating and Manipulating ObjectsYoutube Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXFGeZZbMzQ&list=PL-4p6ppgFOkWtUtcp46Z_AufwVP0CougD 1. 마야환경 at 노트북 2. 튜토리얼 커리큘럼 & 일정 3. 만들고싶은것 1) 아이디어2) 설계 3) 개발